Upcoming events!
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. ”

Good Friday
Good Friday service is a solemn and reflective occasion to honor the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Held on the Friday before Easter, this service focuses on the themes of sacrifice, redemption, and love through scripture readings, hymns, and prayers.

Easter Sunrise Service
Come be a part of our celebration of Jesus, our Savior's resurrection, as the sun rises outside.

Father & Son Banquet
The guest speaker will be Michael Burton, an NFL Player currently with the Denver Broncos. Tickets will be on sale in the lobby on Sundays through February.

Children’s Worship/Praise God Story Hour
We offer a time for fellowship and learning about God’s word every Wednesday for children ages 2 through 5th grade!

Wednesday Night Bible Study
Come participate in the study of RVL Discipleship by Ray Vander Laan, open to both adults and youth.

Join us for a meal before the kick-off of our spring Wednesday night activities. Directly following the meal, we will start the study of the RVL Discipleship by Ray Vander Laan.

Christmas Eve Service
Come celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ! Merry Christmas!

Secret Sisters
Ladies, make sure to sign up for Secret Sisters by December 29th at the Welcome Center! It's a wonderful opportunity to support and encourage one another through prayer, cards, and small gifts each month.